Validate your product idea without budget and coding skills

We give a framework that helps entrepreneurs differentiate good and bad ideas, pivot their ideas, and avoid wasting time and money​

Why to validate ideas?

It’s popular to think now that you should build an MVP as fast as you can and validate it this way every time you have an idea. It’s partly true. However, there’s one more stage that many people are missing. Instead of spending time and money on something that’s certainly not worth it, it’s better to do research, learn at the fastest possible pace, and be willing to try out different experiments.

Based on our proven knowledge of product development and experience, we have developed a template document relating to the process of idea validation and wrote the guide to explain each question and step in a simple, understandable manner.

Below we’re giving some educational materials for free. They include the Idea Validation Guide, slides, and the template you can use as a worksheet.

Value #1

Idea Validation guide

This actionable guide reveals every step of the validation process from the Value Proposition to the MVP stage. Answering all the questions posed in this guide gives you a clear picture of whether to go further with your idea or make a pivot.

guide "how to validate ideas"
How validate ideas slides
Value #2

Step-by-step slides

We created slides where listed all the questions you should ask yourself to validate an idea. If you are more like a visual learner, check out the slides and start validating your idea now.

Value #3

Template for validating ideas

Having this document filled in and some experiments run, you already can raise some money from investors. So, the approach we offer below to validate ideas can also become a good investor deck and help explain your vision to designers and developers if you decide to go with your idea. 

Idea Validation worksheet

Get our Idea Validation Template

a credible framework to separate good ideas from bad ones

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